How SSA Evaluate the Effects of Endocrine Disorders?

Endocrine disorders involve dysfunctional glands comprising the endocrine system (thyroid, ovaries, testes, pituitary, pancreas, adrenal) that produce too much or too little hormone. Hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, and diabetes are examples of commonly diagnosed endocrine disorders. Less common are pituitary gland disorders like Cushing’s disease, hyperprolactinemia, and pituitary tumors. A hormonal imbalance may be so severe that it prevents someone from working and earning a living wage. The Social Security Administration offers disability benefits for people with chronic endocrine disorders.

What is an SSA Evaluation for Endocrine Disorders?

The Social Security Administration evaluates the effects of an endocrine disorder by examining medical documentation detailing how a particular endocrine disorder is impacting a person’s ability to maintain employment. For example, under-functioning of the pituitary gland causes an imbalance of electrolytes and water in the kidneys. This may lead to diabetes insipidus which tends to promote recurring dehydration.

Thyroid gland disorders are evaluated according to changes in heart rate and blood pressure. Cardiac dysfunction such as arrhythmia, extreme weight loss, stroke events is some of the consequences of hypo/hyperthyroidism. The SSA also considers the severity of anxiety, mood disorders, and cognitive problems some people suffer when the thyroid gland is not functioning normally.

Tumors or cancer of the adrenal glands may affect metabolism, bone calcium levels, mental health, and blood pressure. The SSA states they evaluate osteoporosis caused by adrenal disorders according to the number of fractures experienced by an applicant as well as their ability to use their arms and legs.

Diabetes mellitus is the most commonly diagnosed disorder of the pancreas. Because some people cannot control their blood sugar levels even with medication and lifestyle changes, the SSA may approve a disability claim from someone with diabetes who is suffering peripheral neuropathy, mental issues, edema, recurring ulcers, and impaired mobility.

Do You Need Help with a Disability Claim?

When a hormonal imbalance causes debilitating symptoms, an SSA evaluation allows board physicians to determine if a person could work with even though they have an endocrine disorder. Unfortunately, most SSA claims are initially denied due to insufficient or overly general medical documentation. A disability attorney can help you significantly increase your chances of winning approval upon appeal of your claim. Call our Law Firm today to schedule a consultation appointment for immediate, legal assistance.

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Clauson Law has focused on representing the injured and disabled for over 10 years. We have handled thousands of cases. Each client is important to us and has a unique situation.