Hiring an SSDI Lawyer – Some Questions & Answers

When it comes to hiring legal representation, it’s natural to have some questions. Legal counsel can be a big investment, but it’s often critical in ensuring the outcome you want and need. Getting Social Security disability benefits can often be much more difficult than many people assume, which is why it can be necessary to hire an SSDI lawyer. North Carolina legal professionals can be found who practice in this area of the law, making now a fantastic time to get the legal assistance you need to file for the benefits you rightfully deserve. This article will answer a few of the common questions many people have prior to hiring an attorney and hopefully provide you with the insight you need to take the next step.

Do I Really Need an Attorney?

This is hands down the most common question, and while the answer may vary from case to case, it tends to be a resounding “YES”. Folks who assume they can handle the legal process with no experience or expertise often end up in over their heads. While your case may move along with no snags, there’s also a chance that you’ll have to appeal or that you’ll get hit with a curveball that you’re not sure how to handle.

I’m Disabled – Can I Still be Involved In The Legal Process?

Many people wrongly assume that their SSDI lawyer will completely take over and eliminate their involvement in the case. It’s understandable that you’d like to be a part of a legal matter that so greatly impacts you. Your attorney will do everything they can to not only accommodate your needs but also keep you involved and informed throughout the entire process.

Is My Case Worth Fighting?

While, again, this answer may vary – it is incredibly beneficial that you take the opportunity to consult with an SSDI lawyer before deciding whether or not you’d like to hire counsel. This free case review gives you an opportunity to learn the strengths and weaknesses of your case without the pressure of commitment. It’s a very beneficial service that anyone who is faced with a Social Security disability battle should consider.

The Clauson Law Firm, PLLC is conveniently located in Durham, NC, and focuses on assisting those who are in need of legal representation to obtain their Social Security disability benefits. If you’re interested in scheduling a free case review to see whether or not you could benefit from their services, go to www.clausonlaw.com.

About Author


Clauson Law has focused on representing the injured and disabled for over 10 years. We have handled thousands of cases. Each client is important to us and has a unique situation.