Social Security Disability Benefits Pay Chart for 2024
The Social Security Disability (SSD) Pay Chart is a list of current maximum monthly benefit amounts available to program recipients. Every year the Social Security Administration (SSA) publishes a new SSD benefit pay chart because each year the maximum payment increases to keep up with the cost of living.
If you have questions about your eligibility for SSI or SSDI benefits, or if you want to ensure you are receiving your highest benefit payment possible, The Clauson Law Firm will provide you with all the information you need. There’s no substitute for an experienced and skilled SSDI or SSI disability law firm.
2024 Social Security Disability Insurance (SSD or SSDI) Benefit Pay Chart
The Social Security Disability Insurance (SSD or SSDI) benefit pay chart below shows the changes in the maximum SSD benefit payment available under the plan in 2024. Workers are eligible for Social Security Disability benefits if they suffered either a disabling illness or injury that prevents them from performing what the SSA calls “substantial gainful activity,” or SGA.
In 2024, the measure of the SGA standard is whether a person can earn a minimum income of $1,550 in monthly from working. The government determines the amount set as the SGA each year, increasing annually as the figure is adjusted for inflation. Blind SSDI applicants have a higher SGA ( $2,590 in 2024).
The maximum Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI or SSD) benefits payment in 2024 is $3,822 a month (up from $3,627 in 2023). That percent COLA increase was determined by the rate of inflation during the third quarter of 2023.
2024 Supplemental Security Income Benefit Pay Chart
The SSI program is a needs-based plan that was established to act as a safety net for low-income individuals and families who can’t meet cost their basic needs. If someone qualifies for SSI benefits, that person is usually also eligible for other government subsidies that will help support them in addition to the monthly SSI payment. SSI recipients are immediately eligible for Medicaid coverage of healthcare costs. They also may be eligible for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) which was formerly known as food stamps.
The 2024 Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Benefit Pay Chart is shown below. The 2024 figures for all categories of recipients increased from 2024 by 3.2 percent. That was the rate of inflation in the third quarter of 2023 which is how the government measures the next year’s cost of living allowance (COLA) increase.

The amount of the annual Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) increase is determined by the rate of inflation as measured by the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W). Economists establish this by tracking the average price consumers pay for certain commonly used goods and services in the current year, and then compare it to the price for those same goods and services the previous year. They typically track prices of items like gasoline, food, housing, furniture, and medical care.
Most years, the COLA increases SSI and SSDI payments by slightly more than 1 percent. The inflation rate in 2023 raised the COLO for SSI and SSDI payments a bit more than usual, but not as much as in 2022 when the COLA was 8.7 percent.
Remember that the Supplemental Security Income benefits are not very high, but public agencies in the federal, state, county, and local governments offer other programs to help defray the cost of housing, transportation, job training, and education.
Essential Person Benefits (Sunset Approaching)
One of the less-known available benefits from SSI is the “essential person” benefit. This is a monthly payment available to a narrowly defined group of people who are in an SSI recipient’s home giving them essential care. However, the program is restricted to only those who meet the following criteria:
- must have lived with the SSI recipient since 1973.
- must have been an essential person since 1973.
- must be a caregiver.
- An essential person must never have been eligible for SSI.
- essential persons must not have been eligible for state assistance in 1973.
As you can see by the program’s focus on 1973, few people will qualify for essential person benefits. But some do, especially adult children who have continued living with a disabled parent since 1973 to care for their needs. The essential person benefit is $472 per month.
Chart Showing When Your Social Security Disability Payments Will Arrive in 2024
First, let’s look at when your SSDI benefits payments will arrive in 2024 and how the payment date is determined.
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) Payment Schedule for 2024
The payment schedule for SSDI in 2024 follows a structured pattern based on the beneficiary’s birth date. Payments are made on a monthly basis and are issued as follows:
- If your birthday is on the 1st through the 10th, your payment will be distributed on the second Wednesday of each month.
- If your birthday falls between the 11th and the 20th, your payment will be made on the third Wednesday of each month.
- For birthdays on the 21st through the end of the month, payments will be issued on the fourth Wednesday of each month.
It’s important to note that if the scheduled payment day falls on a public holiday, the payment is usually made the preceding day. Additionally, for those who started receiving SSDI benefits before 1997, the SSA continues to send payments on the third day of each month, regardless of the individual’s birth date.
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI or SSD) benefits pay chart for 2024
Months | Birth dates on 1st-10th | Birth dates on 11th-20th | Birth dates on 21st-31st |
January | 1/10 | 1/17 | 1/24 |
February | 2/14 | 2/21 | 2/28 |
March | 3/13 | 3/20 | 3/27 |
April | 4/10 | 4/17 | 4/24 |
May | 5/8 | 5/15 | 5/22 |
June | 6/12 | 6/18 | 6/26 |
July | 7/10 | 7/17 | 7/24 |
August | 8/14 | 8/21 | 8/28 |
September | 9/11 | 9/18 | 9/25 |
October | 10/9 | 10/16 | 10/23 |
November | 11/13 | 11/20 | 11/27 |
December | 12/11 | 12/18 | 12/24 |
Supplemental Security Income Payment Schedule for 2024
SSI, on the other hand, follows a different schedule entirely. The SSI program issues benefit payments on the same day each month for all beneficiaries, regardless of birthdate. However, if the 1st falls on a weekend or a public holiday, beneficiaries will receive their payment early, on the first business day before the 1st.
JANUARY | 12/29/2023 |
FEBRUARY | 2/1/2024 |
MARCH | 3/1/2024 |
APRIL | 4/1/2024 |
MAY | 5/1/2024 |
JUNE | 5/31/2024 |
JULY | 7/1/2024 |
AUGUST | 7/30/2024 |
SEPTEMBER | 8/30/2024 |
OCTOBER | 10/1/2024 |
NOVEMBER | 11/2/2024 |
DECEMEBER | 11/29/2024 |
What Happens When You Get Both SSDI and SSI?
For those people who receive both SSDI and SSI benefits, the payments for each program will arrive on separate days. Receiving these concurrent payments means that the SSDI payment follows the SSDI schedule, while the SSI payment is made separately, according to the SSI schedule.
Do You Need Help Applying for or Continuing Your Social Security Disability or SSI Benefits?
Even the payment schedule can be a bit confusing for people unfamiliar with the government’s way of doing things. For example, as you can see in the chart above, in 2024 there are five months in which SSI beneficiaries will get two payments because of the when the day on which 1st of the month falls.
Applying for disability benefits is a complicated process that can become a nightmare if the claim is not prepared properly and completely. Too many people who try to prepare and file their own Social Security Disability or SSI claims fail to include all of the essential documents or information.
Others sometimes turn to a nonprofessional, a family member, or a friend to help them with putting together their disability claim. Unfortunately, many of them don’t fare any better than those who do themselves, without professional help.
The Clauson Law Firm focuses a large portion of our legal practice on disability law. Over the years, we have helped over a thousand disability claimants successfully prepare and press for their disability claims to be approved. We have also helped others who were initially denied SSD or SSI benefits appeal those denials, often showing that the initial denial was without justification.
In other cases, The Clauson Law Firm disability law attorneys and our trained advocates have helped to continue the benefits of disability beneficiaries whose benefits were scheduled to be terminated or suspended.
Whether your Social Security Disability (SSD) or Supplemental Security Income claim is just beginning or you have a claim-related problem affecting your existing disability benefits, you can trust our team at Clauson Law to give you reliable guidance and legal representation based on years of experience, knowledge of the law, and hands-on practice working in the Social Security Disability area.
We represent disability claimants throughout the United States, not just in our home state of North Carolina. If you need to speak with a professional disability law attorney about your case, contact our law office today. We’re here to help.