Auto Accidents and Disability Insurance

Auto Accidents and Disability Insurance

Being in an automobile accident is nothing short of a traumatic experience. Even if you manage to walk away relatively unharmed, the mental, emotional, and financial hardships that result can leave someone scarred for life. What’s worse, though, is the situation felt by those who aren’t so lucky. When you’re in an accident and severely […]

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 Accidents and Injuries Involving Children

Accidents and Injuries Involving Children

No parent ever expects their child to be in an accident, but over 9 million are treated each year for injuries that were not intentional, according to data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Unfortunately, nearly 20 children die daily as a result of an injury that could have been prevented. In fact, […]

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 Negligent Supervision in Auto Accidents

Negligent Supervision in Auto Accidents

In an auto accident involving negligent supervision, the fault for an injury is put on the driver who caused the accident. For example, if a truck driver speeds, drives carelessly, and causes an accident, the trucking company can be held liable for negligent supervision. If the company failed to do proper background checks or proper […]

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 Personal Injury in an Auto Accident

Personal Injury in an Auto Accident

An automobile accident can be a scary event. Even if you and your family emerge unharmed, you most likely will have to deal with emotional scars and an insurance nightmare. It’s even worse if you or your family are injured during the accident. If you’ve been in an auto accident and your child was injured […]

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 Collecting Unemployment After an Auto Accident

Collecting Unemployment After an Auto Accident

If you have been involved in an auto accident, then you already have a lot of things to worry about — the legal hassles of determining who is at fault and whose insurance is going to cover what sorts of damages can be overwhelming. Add in some sort of injury, and you’ve got the makings of […]

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