Filing for Disability with Schizophrenia in North Carolina

Filing for Disability with Schizophrenia in North Carolina

Filing for disability benefits is a difficult process, whether you are applying for SSD (Social Security Disability benefits), SSI (Supplemental Security Income), or both. You already must live with a disability preventing you from working, along with worrying about all the paperwork and deadlines that come with the process of filing for federal assistance. However, […]

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 Filing for Disability with a Knee Injury in NC

Filing for Disability with a Knee Injury in NC

If you have a job that requires you to be on your feet a lot, a knee injury can be devastating. From sales to construction, numerous professions are no longer available to employees who suffer from knee pain, stiffness, injury, or illness. Furthermore, even if you don’t have a physically taxing job but are in […]

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 How to File A Disability Claim In North Carolina?

How to File A Disability Claim In North Carolina?

If you find it necessary to file a disability application in North Carolina, you need to be aware of what and who the process involves. Essentially the procedure begins the moment you sit down and decide to apply. Yet, before you begin, you need to make sure you qualify. You can check out the criteria […]

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 How to Qualify for Supplemental Security Income Benefits in NC?

How to Qualify for Supplemental Security Income Benefits in NC?

Gaining Social Security disability benefits is important for thousands upon thousands of Americans who deal with debilitating mental and physical disabilities. Applying for and receiving SSI benefits can be the difference between leading an appropriately comfortable life or living a miserable existence. In America, compassion must be shown to those who need help, and Social […]

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 Can Past Substance Abuse Affect Current SSA Benefits?

Can Past Substance Abuse Affect Current SSA Benefits?

When filing a disability claim with the Social Security Administration, one of the items you must provide is a detailed documentation of your medical history. Additionally, you must show to the administration either via a Claims Representative or an Administrative Law Judge (depending on if you have appealed or not) that you are unable to […]

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 How Social Security Handles Overpayments

How Social Security Handles Overpayments

Although it is unusual for the Social Security Administration (SSA) to pay you more benefits than you are due, mistakes do happen. When overpayment does occur, you can expect the SSA to notify you of the issue. Along with a notification, the SSA will explain what will happen next to correct the discrepancy and notify […]

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