The Importance of Age in a Social Security Disability Claim

The Importance of Age in a Social Security Disability Claim

“Adult” or “Child” -To begin with, an individual under the age of 18 is considered a child for purposes of analyzing the propriety of the disabling impairment and the requisite criteria used to establish eligibility for disability benefits. In this, a “child” has different evaluation criteria under many categories as compared to a claimant over […]

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 How Do I Receive My Social Security Payments?

How Do I Receive My Social Security Payments?

After you’ve gotten your application approved for social security, there’s still the manner of getting paid. You may have questions on what you can expect from your social security payments. Here are some of the common questions and their answers to help. How You Can Expect Your Payments Social Security payments are no longer allowed […]

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 How Disability Is Defined By The SSA

How Disability Is Defined By The SSA

Applying for Social Security Disability Benefits in North Carolina can be a very confusing process. One of the things that are most complicated is the conflicting versions and definitions of what qualifies as a disability. In many cases, a person will believe themselves to be disabled, and their doctor may also describe them as disabled, […]

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